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Japanese History

1 - Historical Periods

From the first settlers to the Heian period

  • Yomon Period (name given by the ceramics found of this time)…… of 8000 B.C. (some think 10 000 B.C.) to the year 250 B.C.. The last part of the japanese Neolithic period is the Yayoi Period, from 250 BC to 250 AD. .

  • Yamato Period, between 300 and 710 AD, already established the emperor, although his residence is not fixed. The Yamato area corresponds to what today are the sorroundings of Kyoto. .

  • Nara Period, between 710 and 784 AD, starts a permanent residence of the emperor, which is located initially in the city of Nara.

  • Heian Period, years 794 to 1185 AD, imperial residence established in Kyoto. The progressive rise of samurai power is experienced, we find a political power held by the Fujiwara family, which in the end of the period becomes a struggle between the Minamoto and Taira clans.

The Samurai Hegemony

  • Kamakura Period, 1185-1333, power ran by the Minamoto clan.

  • Ashikaga-Muromachi Period, 1338-1573, the domain is exercised by the Ashikaga clan.

  • Edo Period (Momoyama –Edo), power of the Tokugawa clan, leading to a long period of stability ("peace of the Tokgawa").

Modern Age

  • Meiji Restoration.

  • Periods Taisho, Showa and nowadays Heisei.

2 - Roughly

The Japanese history was from the beginning basically a fight between clans to hold the power over the islands until the late V century, the dominant clan established the imperial dynasty.

Anyway, the power was not really in the hands of this clan, but it was the aristocracy of the Court who dominated, at least until the twelfth century.

In the twelfth century the aristocracy was the one who got more and more pressure from the warrior class that demanded a place of power.

They achieved it in the late twelfth century, and the warrior class kept it until the nineteenth century, although alternating different clans, within which there was a "general commander", the Shogun, who had the supreme power.

Even then, the Imperial Court was held, symbolically, in Kyoto.

In 1868 the imperial authority was restored, in theory, but in practice the government was in charge of different groups, including politicians and military, until the end of the 2nd World War.

3 - Detail of the historical periods

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