Toshukakutô are hand-to-hand combat techniques with an empty hand,
although small weapons and objects are also used. In our school we
maintain and transmit the Toshukakutô used by the Bushi (warriors) of
Kôka, both the Shinobi and the Samurai. These traditions were
transmitted and maintained by the BAN family/clan and have reached our
days through our Master KAWAKAMI-Soshike, 21st heir of these traditions.
Toshukakutô of our school includes:
TAKENOUCHI RYU: Atemigoroshi No Den
RYU: Yawarajutsu, Kenpo, Eri, Chugoku/Nakagokui. Koshi No Mawari.
ICHIJOHO: Koppojutsu
RYU: Torite
SEKIGUCHI RYU: Yawarajutsu
RYU: Yawarajutsu
techniques include all kinds of blows, grabs, locks, projections,
strangulations, etc. They also include special workouts for the body,
hardening, etc. They are techniques that were tested in combat and only
the ones that really worked were kept and passed on. Together with our
Masters KAWAKAMI-Soshike and KIYOMOTO-Sensei, we continue with their
study and training to transmit and maintain this tradition.
Soon we
will give a special seminar in Spain on the Toshukakutô of the Kôka
Ban-Tô and other teachings of the Shinobi No Den.